The Modern Warrior-Steven Seagal

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Seagal's Upcoming Movies

Seagal's latest DTV release: Submerged will be released on to DVD in the U.S. on, May 31, 2005.
(Order Submerged - From Amazon. )


"Chris Cody (Seagal) the free world's most "independent" anti-terrorist agent, is summoned from his military prison cell and promised a presidential pardon - with a hitch. An American Ambassador has been assassinated by the US Secret Service. Now the C.I.A. wants Cody to uncover and terminate this deadly operation, but they don't tell him the truth. Cody ends up overpowered and trapped beneath the waves but hardly out of his depth. "


As of May 15, 2005

More information on international release dates of "Submerged"

January-February - Filming "Black Dawn", some shooting taking place in San Diego, California, studio unknown (source: suziwong).

February 15, 2005 - Into the Sun (US Release Date) - DTV (source: bigdw132002, from Sony website)

April 4 - Mercenary (filming) (source: Serena from Family Room Entertainment) (Emmett/Furla film through Nu Image. Budget: $15 million, dtv) - location: Poland. Plot: "A mercenary gets entangled in a mission that threatens the lives of those close to him. In order to succeed, he must break into one of the most impenetrable prisons in Eastern Europe and free the son of the most notorious drug lord in the world."

Note: start date of filming changed from March 1 (which changed from February 1st)

April 5 - Netherlands release of Into the Sun (rental)

April 6 - Into the Sun released in Denmark (source: bhs)

April 7 - Dutch release of Into the Sun (sales)(source: kotegashi)

April 11 - UK release of Into the Sun (source: msmith)

April 13 - Australian release of Into the Sun (source: gunslinger)

April 19 - Release in Germany (rental) of Into the Sun (source: _Steven Seagal_ (note: this is a member using the name))

April 20 - Release in France of Into the Sun

May 24 - Purchase release of Into the Sun in Germany (source: _Steven Seagal_ (note: this is a member using the name))

May 31 - DVD release of Submerged in the US (source: gunslinger)

June 14 - Dutch release of Submerged from (source: DiDa)

July - (exact date unknown) General Dutch release of Submerged (source: kotegashi), changed from June 14th to accommodate release of another film named "Submerged" starring Coolio

July 6 - Australian release of Submerged. The film has been rated MA15+ (equivalent to American R) for Medium Level Violence with a running time of 95 minutes. (source: gunslinger - updated from previous information regarding release date in mid-July)

Retail price is set at $36:95

July 19 - German rental release of Submerged (source _steven seagal_ (note - member using Steven Seagal's name, NOT the real thing)

September 20 - German purchase release of Submerged (source: _steven seagal_ (note - member using Steven Seagal's name, NOT the real thing)

November - US release of Black Dawn (source: from IMDB)


Upcoming movie projects (no date specified as yet)

Shadows on the Sun - (source: Serena)

This is from, as quoted in I couldn't get the full story from Variety, though, as an expensive subscription is required. Hopefully other sources will have more details soon. /Serena
February 22, 2005

Bey Logan and Jimmy Moy are developing "Shadows on the Sun" as a project that will mark a radical departure from Seagal's tough-guy persona. Scripted by Logan ("The Medallion"), it will feature Seagal as a burned-out former intelligence officer who runs a medical clinic in Japan just after WWII...


Movies being released (synopsis):

SUMBERGED (2005) (formerly: briefly changed to "Enemy Within")
TODAY YOU DIE (2005) (formerly: "Heraphant")

Other movie information

Black Dawn - (source: suziwong, from The Northwest Herald). Produced by Sony/ScreenGems Productions (source: gunslinger, from The Hollwyood Reporter)

Plot: He's playing a former CIA operative who has been framed for killing so many fellow agents, he's become the object of a shoot-on-sight directive. And as if that weren't enough to keep him busy, he's happened onto a deal between Colombian arms dealers and Middle Eastern terrorists who want plutonium for a suitcase bomb to blow L.A. to smithereens.

On IMDB: He plays "Jonathan Cold", so it's a safe bet that Black Dawn is the SEQUEL to THE FOREIGNER (source: TDWoj, from the highly unreliable IMDB)

Mercenary - (source: suziwong, via Family Room Entertainment)
WRITER: Steve Collins.
PRODUCERS: Randall Emmett and George Furla.

BUDGET: $20 million (USA) (note: above it says the budget was only $15 million)
A working title for this film was Repentance

Note: "dtv" means direct to video/dvd

Forever Steven Seagal.